Megatrends Series: 5G Technologies

Series Introduction: ‘Your Guide to the Future’

Here at B2B International, we’re always thinking of the latest innovations and emerging ‘megatrends’ shaping our clients’ industries and markets.

So, for every month in 2019 we decided to delve a little deeper into each of these trends and produce a mini-guide looking at what it is, how big it will be and the opportunity it presents for b2b companies.

Our complete ‘Guide to the Future’ is also available as a handy desk calendar (see above) – click here for details on how to get your hands on one.

This month’s topic is 5G Technologies. Enjoy!

What is it?

4G LTE was referred to as the gold standard of wireless technology until the arrival of 5G networks – the latest generation of mobile internet connectivity which provides faster speeds and more reliable connections than ever before. The improved networks will act as a catalyst of both innovation and implementation of IoT technology, providing the necessary infrastructure to carry masses of data.

How big will it be?

5G networks are expected to launch across the world by 2020, but will require ongoing innovation and investment. Penetration and adoption is not expected until 2025-2030. It is estimated that 5G will boost real global GDP growth by $3 trillion dollars cumulatively between 2020 and 2035 (Source: Qualcomm Technologies).

What’s the opportunity?

5G is more than just faster internet; it is a more consistent, efficient, and seamless way to open doors for many cross-sector and integrated technologies. For example:

Autonomous vehicles: 5G is expected to catapult the autonomous vehicle market into the mainstream. The potential for car-to-car communication through 5G technology means cars will be able to communicate with each other rather than react, making them safer and able to make immediate decisions.

Smart cities: 5G will transform the development of smart cities. For example, capturing data through 5G will help enable smart energy grids to provide real-time diagnosis in the event of power outages, and smart parking management systems that run on 5G will inform drivers of open parking spaces in real time and therefore reduce traffic and emissions.

Drones: 5G networks can be used to optimize drone operation and to integrate fleets of drones, enabling them to fight fires, deliver medical supplies and to provide other services in the case of an emergency.

Healthcare: 5G networks have the power to revolutionise the healthcare industry by using wearables and biosensors to remotely track health data and provide real-time diagnoses. This can benefit healthcare providers by allowing patients to be monitored at home, as well as benefit employers who can monitor employee health in high-risk and remote environments such as mines.


As we accelerate towards wide-scale adoption of 5G technologies, b2b businesses need to start planning now if they are to take full advantage. The infrastructure put in place will transform many new and existing b2b sectors, and allow for Industry 4.0 to become a reality.

The ultra-fast speeds, ultra-low latency and increased connectivity means businesses will be able to use technologies such as IoT networks, artificial intelligence (AI), automation and machine learning to gather and process masses of data from multiple sources anywhere in the world. This data can be used to maximise the efficiency of business operations and introduce new and innovative solutions to the market.

Further Reading
Check out the full list of topics in our megatrends series: