Why Buyer Personas Are Key to Serving Customer Needs

Part of our Micro-Lessons series giving you the most important lessons in B2B marketing, designed to be read in 60 seconds.



Why Buyer Personas Are Key to Serving Customer Needs


I believe buyer personas are key to serving customer needs.

I also don’t offer advice that I wouldn’t follow myself.

At B2B International, we’ve learned “research” means different things to different groups.

Our research serves two unique personas:

  1. CMOs and Marketing Directors. They’re strategy & future focused, interested in thought leadership. “Research” supports their outcome-driven goals.

  2. Market Research & Insight Managers. They’re after the nuts and bolts, and the latest methodologies. For them, “research” is key information to enhance understanding and meet their internal stakeholder objectives.

What does this mean for us?

Rather than sticking to one definition of “research”, we interpret it differently depending on the persona.

Likewise if you’re in shipping and manufacturing, you might sell “speed and efficiency.” But this value proposition lands differently on each decision maker. Some care more about costs, others customer satisfaction.

Buyer persona research allows you to tailor your messaging and services to individuals.

If your message resonates, it is more likely to get people interested in what you’re selling, and what you have to say.

Don’t market to any audience.

Market to your audience.



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