How to Delight and Resonate with Millennial B2B Decision-Makers

Part of our Micro-Lessons series giving you the most important lessons in B2B marketing, designed to be read in 60 seconds.



How to Delight and Resonate with Millennial B2B Decision-Makers


If you think marketing means promotion, I’ve got some bad news.

Are you adapting for a millennial audience?

With 73% of business decisions being influenced by them, you should be.

B2B International surveyed 3,000 senior decision makers chief executives, and found millennials are the driving force making crucial decisions for B2B teams.

And that should affect your approach.

Millennials react strongly to their experience with a company.

They’re twice as likely as boomers to drop you after a bad experience. They’re also twice as likely to recommend you after a positive experience.

So how can you delight them?

Invest in the fifth “P” of marketing: purpose.

Millennials do business with companies that align with their values.

They want to see a diverse workforce, a sense of mission, and an environmentally-friendly approach.

Millennial influence in the business landscape is growing. They’ll account for 44% of the workforce by 2025.

In other words, the social issues that matter to them will be woven into decision-making criteria very soon.

So align your values, and act accordingly.

Then you can be the purpose-driven partner they’re after.



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