Understanding customer needs is an important factor in overall business success. Identifying how customers feel about a product, service or concept can create a more effective way of serving them.
While quantitative research provides us with measurable data that can be used to support a theory or hypothesis, qualitative research seeks to explore the ‘why’ behind people’s attitudes and beliefs. Although the two serve different purposes within the context of B2B research, they can also be used together to improve the usefulness of the other and provide a more holistic view overall. Below is a list of instances where qualitative research may be useful in helping to better understand customers and their needs.
The best use cases for qualitative research for better understanding customers
Gaining an in-depth understanding of needs and behaviors
Qualitative research is usually carried out in an open, less structured manner, allowing for an exploratory approach. As it is generally conducted with smaller sample sizes, it is more suited to capturing feelings, views and opinions. It can help businesses to understand why customers attach certain meanings to different products, brands or processes. Qualitative research allows customers to provide a deeper understanding of the context and motivation that surrounds an opinion or behavior.
Developing new products, services & propositions
When developing new concepts, it is important that businesses test their ideas with existing customers to ensure that they resonate. Group discussions can be an especially useful qualitative technique for researching new concepts & ideas. This methodology can be particularly beneficial in encouraging interaction between participants, starting discussions that may not have occurred in an individual setting. This approach can help businesses identify certain elements that may need changing or tweaking and also where specific pain points lie.
Creating hypotheses for further testing
Due to the exploratory nature of qualitative research, it can be particularly helpful in serving as a ‘first stage’ in a research program. Having an open approach and allowing the customer to dictate the discussion can help researchers to understand where the priorities of customers lie. A business may start a market research study with specific ideas to explore but allowing customers to talk freely about their experience can unravel new and interesting hypothesis to be further tested and evidenced in a quantitative stage.
Tailoring marketing campaigns and strategies
To communicate with customers in the most effective way, it is important for businesses to segment and categorize their customers according to their various needs and behaviors. Qualitative research can play a crucial role in this process. By gaining deeper understanding of the nuances of the customer experience, businesses can ensure that their marketing and communication efforts are reaching the right people with the right message.
Choosing the most effective methodology for customer-focused qualitative research
Choosing the most effective methodology to conduct qualitative research with customers is imperative in collecting useful and relevant data. Below are some key qualitative research methodologies to consider.
In-depth interviews | One to one interaction between interviewer and respondent. Performed either face to face or over telephone. This can allow for an in-depth exploration of a wide variety of topics and gives the interviewer power to guide or shift the conversation when needed. |
Focus groups | Group discussion with several participants, guided by a nominated moderator. Group discussions allow for shared conversation and interaction. This setting encourages people to share their own opinions and beliefs while allowing others to challenge or disagree. |
Ethnography | Observing customers and monitoring their interactions and behaviors. Allows for researchers to see in real time, the habits of customers and how a service, brand or product impacts their choices. |
Online diary/bulletin board | Online platform designed to allow participants to contribute through posting text, images, videos, etc. This methodology provides a great deal of flexibility and allows participants to choose when, where and how much they contribute. |
Overall, qualitative research can be an incredibly useful tool in gaining a deeper understanding of the views and behaviors of our customers. With an effective methodology and the right target audience, businesses can unlock insights that can support strategic improvements to serving customers and ultimately a customer centric approach.
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