Voice Of The Customer Research

Talk to the B2B research experts

Voice of the Customer research for customer-focused businesses

In researching the customers of thousands of B2B brands over the years, we have more B2B research experience listening to the voice of the customer than any other research company.

With our B2B-focussed Customer Experience Program, we will provide you with actionable insights and intelligence to help you deliver a superior customer experience, in return for greater financial returns and long-term commitment from your customers.

Our approach combines active listening at every touchpoint with sophisticated analytical techniques. This is all overlaid with our unique b2b consultancy, providing you with the straight-talking feedback, insight and action plans you need to address problems, improve loyalty and grow your business.
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“What B2B International have done with this initial study is show the value in a multi-layered, well constructed range of approaches delivered in a clear and coherent manner with solid recommendations.”

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“We implemented many new communication, learning and relationship building tools as a result of your work with us. These have been very successful and satisfaction levels are probably at their highest ever levels.”

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“Customer satisfaction is one of our core values: B2B International’s team did an excellent job of helping us understand our loyalty levels and market position. They exceeded our expectations with many interesting suggestions on market promotion and sales plans.”


What is Voice of the Customer Research?

Understanding and responding to customer feedback is crucial for business success. Voice of the Customer research (VOC) provides deep insights into customer needs, preferences, and experiences through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of feedback across platforms. This process aids in closing the gap between customer expectations and current offerings, fueling product innovation, enhancing service quality, and fostering a culture centered around customer satisfaction. VOC research is integral to developing a customer-centric approach that drives loyalty and satisfaction.

System integration

Bringing voice of the customer research into the heart of your business

By integrating our program with your CRM system, you can align customer experience management with your key commercial objectives – identifying and prioritizing actions and opportunities by audience, business or customer value.

voice of the customer research - System integration


Customer journey mapping

Take a walk in your customers’ shoes

Customer journey mapping enables you to build a detailed picture of the customer experience with your brand throughout the path to purchase and beyond – from awareness through to repeat purchases.

As b2b specialists, we acknowledge the importance of the channel and routes to market; we understand the impact of advertising and communications in the b2b arena; and we know how choices and decisions are made, from the most complex and technical of products to more simple but challenging commodities.

We will help you identify the most critical stages in the customer journey in shaping the experience with your brand. And we will highlight where the customer is delighted and where pain points occur. Armed with this intelligence, you will be able to take action where it matters most in the goal towards customer experience excellence.

VOC research


Video: How to deliver on customer experience

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Buyer journey mapping

Evaluating the path to purchase

The path to purchase is important in driving brand preference and it begins long before considerations on the likes of product features and price. Where b2b audiences do their research, the external parties they seek advice from, the conferences they attend, and publications and reviews they read, all shape the buyer journey in some way.

Our buyer journey mapping and buyer journey research offering spans interactive workshops and voice of the customer insights to “walk in the buyer’s shoes” throughout the whole path to purchase. This includes identifying which touchpoints and interactions are the most critical to success, and where improvements are needed to drive higher share of mind and brand favorability.

voice of the customer research


Persona profiling

Humanizing the target audience

Understanding the individual buyer and user are just as important as understanding the organization they work for. Our buyer persona research and visualization humanizes segments of a target audience through demographics and characterizing individual needs, motivations, and pain points.

The ability to identify different buyer personas makes it easier for marketing and sales teams to focus resources and better engage with key customer groups. The infographics and posters created by our in-house design team bring the customer to life and play an important role in engaging the wider organization in a drive towards greater customer centricity.

voc research - Persona profiling


Data gathering

Actively listening to your customers

We have the latest technical solutions for collecting feedback whenever and however your customers interact with you, including phone, web, SMS, paper and e-survey. This means you’ll get the full picture of what customers want, how they behave, and what they think of you – through the medium that works best for your brand, audience and research goals.

voice of the customer research - Data gathering


Video: How to deliver customer excellence in the future

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Real time alerts

Translating feedback into positive outcomes

A swift response to problems has a positive influence on customer attitudes – and is a key differentiator, especially where price and product are homogenous. Our listening process ‘flags’ issues and opportunities – automatically initiating the appropriate response process in real time.

voice of the customer - Real time alerts



What’s your Net Promoter Score?

Your NPS (Net Promoter Score) tells you how likely customers are to recommend you, i.e. to act as advocates of your brand. It’s a vital metric for measuring performance as it is a key indicator of overall customer sentiment and advocacy, which links strongly with growth potential.

Further reading: What is a good NPS score?

Further reading: How can I improve my NPS score?

voc research - Advocacy

+187 220 44533