Putting the customer at the heart of your business is essential. Failing to act on the feedback they give you is a missed opportunity. The customer truly is king, and so adopting the right strategies to manage customer experiences has major payoffs – for both your customers and your bottom line.

Our Solution

We can assist you in setting up and running an effective customer experience management programme – from customer journey mapping and designing customer experiences to measurement and feedback systems.

In addition, we also offer customer segmentation and brand research to contribute to the comprehensive customer experience management programme.

What We Offer

Customer Experience Management

Customer Audit

We usually begin by looking at the customer experience strategies you already have in place, exploring what they deliver and how they are used. This is done through our customer audit workshop.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is then carried out through a combination of internal workshops and external verification with your customers. The number of maps required depends on the number of distinct and different segments of customers. Once the existing journey is clear, the ‘ideal’ experience can be designed. This may involve qualitative research with existing and new customers.


Finally, the tool to measure and track the customer experience is developed. Measurement and feedback are two terms often used interchangeably but which actually hold different meanings. They can be thought of as ‘proactive’ and ‘reactive,’ and both approaches have a place in the measurement of the customer experience.

B2B International works with you to deliver metrics that can truly help your business, both strategically and operationally, using:

  • Deep dive strategic surveys
  • Regular tracking studies
  • Event based feedback systems, e.g. after particular interactions such as the customer care centre, the sales rep visit, the website visit.


We use the full range of qualitative and quantitative approaches with automated feedback alerts as well as annual strategic data reviews and recommendations for actions. Bespoke metrics can be developed tailored to your needs, or we can use standard metrics well known in the measurement of the customer experience such as ‘overall satisfaction,’ ‘ease of doing business,’ ‘emotion indicators,’ etc.

Real time customer alerts

It can take significant time to act on customer feedback – absorbing the research findings, disseminating them across the company, and determining the different people and teams responsible for taking the various actions required to improve the customer experience.

This process can be expedited significantly through the use of B2B International’s real time customer alerts for instant feedback from your customers. Through e-mail alerts sent right after a customer has participated in research, feedback can be sent to any relevant party, can be based on any information from the survey, and can be delivered as soon as the interview is completed.

For example, if a customer provides a low satisfaction score on speed of delivery, their contact information and feedback can be sent directly to the designated individual in the sales or ordering team, thus allowing a member of the team to action a response to the feedback quickly, making the company look as though it truly cares about the customer through the prompt response.

Beyond email alerts, B2B International’s customer management system can be set up to enable the client team to log on to a portal and access important feedback, look for themes in the findings, decide on the nature of the action to be taken and see a record of actions that have already been taken.

customer alerts

What this means for you

We can offer you the full range of services to develop, implement and manage a customer experience programme. However, you can also select specific elements, equipping you to improve the experience for individual customers as well as make longer term strategic improvements for all customers.

For more information about customer experience management, please refer to the following white papers:

An Introduction to Customer Experience Management

Customer Experience Management: Customer Journey Mapping

[Webinar] Building A Market Leading B2B Customer Experience Programme

The following webinar was recorded during our Go Beyond Webinar Series in October 2015. The webinar discusses 10 steps on how to develop, implement and drive forward your customer experience programme –– as well as getting buy-in across your business.

Key topics covered include customer journey mapping, using multi-methods to collect data and building customer centricity within your business.


[Webinar] Pitfalls To Avoid When Conducting Customer Experience Research

This webinar was recorded during our Go Beyond Webinar Series in October 2015. The webinar discusses 10 pitfalls to be aware of and how to avoid them, in order to ensure that your customer experience programme runs smoothly and is actionable.

Key topics covered include closing the loop on customer feedback, accounting for respondent bias, and achieving buy-in so that the research findings are implemented throughout the business.