Photo of Colette Stevens

As Head of Research Services I am responsible for continuously improving our deliverables and internal processes alongside leading key client accounts and research projects.

Colette Stevens Head of Research Services

What is the best thing about working at B2B International?

The team… and the opportunity to learn something new every day.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

You might not be the smartest person in the room or the most experienced but you can always be the most enthusiastic!

What is your favourite place you have visited – and why?

A very difficult question, I’m writing this in the winter so I’ll opt for a sunny destination. Granada was one of the highlights of my honeymoon in Andalusia.

What is your favourite book?

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow written by Gabrielle Zevin is one that has stood out recently. It’s a story of failure, success and friendship.

What is your favourite pastime?

Anything that involves being outside… at the moment, walking along the Sandstone Trail to one of the many pubs or nurturing my flower garden.