Photo of Conor Wilcock

As Managing Director for Europe, I have two overlapping roles. One is to oversee projects from start to finish, providing consultancy and advice for clients at every stage in the process. Secondly, I lead our Business Development efforts, meaning that I am involved with other Directors in developing strategic growth plans for the business.

Conor Wilcock Managing Director, Europe

What is the best thing about working at B2B International?

Every day is completely different. The nature of b2b market research means that projects vary greatly, which leads to constant intrigue. Researching complex and (often) niche markets gives you a wide breadth of experience and expertise.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

What is your favourite place you have visited – and why?

Tokyo is a fascinating city. A bird’s eye view lends to perceptions of chaos and disarray, but it’s one of the most efficient and absorbing places I’ve ever visited.

What is your favourite book?

Anything by Bill Bryson. He’s as insightful and witty as they come, and his travel writing inspired me to write and to travel.

What is your favourite pastime?

I’m partial to committing myself to foolish fitness challenges, such as marathons, triathlons and endurance events. Of course, spending time with my young son is a pastime in itself, and also an excuse for not overdoing it with the 20-mile runs…