B2B Blog

Using Neuromarketing to Provide New Insight into Loyalty Research

Loyalty research is heavily reliant on NPS. It is used by many organisations as a stand-alone measure of performance and…

B2B International

Keeping Customer Experience Trackers on Track

Customer Experience research is one of the most common research requirements amongst b2b organisations according to our recent study of…

Colette Stevens

3 Important Lessons To Help You Guide Your Future Business Success

While the major focus of Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s book, ‘Fooled By Randomness’ is on trading and stock markets, there are…

Thomas Grubert

5 Key Benefits of Telephone Interviewing

The U.N. recently shared a sobering statistic: according to its recent study, more people on earth have access to mobile…

Natalia Jain

Bringing Research Insights To Life

Introducing Fox Agency – long-time friends and strategic partners Fox Agency is an integrated b2b marketing agency and long-time friend…

B2B International

Innovation and Isomorphism

The late Steve Jobs once said that it is innovation that distinguishes between leaders and followers. While there are no…

Lorna Finlay

6 Critical Success Factors of a Qualitative Research Project

Over the last couple of years qualitative research has made a comeback and piqued the interest of many of our…

Melanie Rankin

Are You Paying Your Employees Too Much? – Money Can’t Buy Employee Engagement!

In his book Predictability Irrational, behavioural economist Dan Ariely introduces the idea that we live in two worlds; one governed…

Isobel Wadsworth

How to Speak so That People Want to Listen

Your voice is the most powerful tool in the world – so why don’t people always listen? When browsing the…

Natalia Jain

The Key Takeaways from Our CX Leadership Roundtable

Our 2018 CX Leadership Roundtable was held last week in London. Our biggest CX clients from a wide range of…

B2B International