B2B Blog

Work-Life Collaboration: An Exciting Opportunity For The Working World

On any working day, the average full-time employee is likely to spend at least 50% of their waking hours at…

Simi Dhawan

How to Shorten a CX Tracker

Around 50% of the work that we do at B2B International directly involves the customer experience. A customer experience project…

Caitlin Affleck-Brodie

A Researcher’s Guide to Presenting Data in Memorable Ways

How many times have you had to sit down and go through a long PowerPoint deck full of facts, figures…

B2B International

‘Tis the Season to be Marketing

4 B2B Marketing Ideas for a Merry Christmas Christmas is only a few weeks away. It might not yet be…

Judith Wieghardt

Using Taglines To Stand Out In B2B Markets

An email landed in my inbox last week which started with: “From today Vodafone will be changing our brand positioning…

Nick Hague

Ryanair and the Importance of Internal Culture in Customer Experience

If, as Peter Drucker famously once said, a company’s culture really does “eat strategy for breakfast”, then Ryanair’s culture must…

Matthew Powell

Tracking and Benchmarking KPIs to Drive Brand Growth

It is often said that standing still is the same as moving backwards, and without knowing where you are currently,…

B2B International

Mind or Heart – Who Is Deciding?

It’s no secret that our purchasing decisions are not only based on rational reasons, but also emotional ones. Why else…

B2B International

Can Open Innovation Drive Autonomous Vehicle Technology Forwards?

Open innovation is a popular technique for coming up with breakthroughs to solve tough problems. A team of specialists in…

Daniel Mullins

The 4 Types of Visualisation and the Role They Play in Market Research

A couple of weeks ago we posted a blog looking at tips on how to create impactful market research outputs.…

Daniel Mullins