B2B Blog

How Innovative Are Market Researchers?

"New" is one of the most powerful words in the marketing vocabulary. It makes a promise of something better. It…

B2B International

The Most Important Thing in a Survey

Today we want to talk about the most important thing in a survey. Perhaps you are expecting us to discuss…

B2B International

The Smiley Face That Helps Surveys

We business to business market researchers are sometimes a bit too serious. We can be snooty about scales that use…

B2B International

Thoughts on New Product Development

What do Leonardo da Vinci, Aldous Huxley and Stephen Hawking have in common? They weren't market researchers, that is for…

B2B International

Goodbye Cosy Relationships; Hello Millennials

We haven't talked about millennials for a while in our blog. This is not because the subject is no longer…

B2B International

The Future for Social Media in B2B Marketing

We are forever being asked the importance of social media in business to business marketing. And forever we get results…

B2B International

Questionnaire Dos and Dont’s

At the heart of market research studies is a questionnaire. People may think that questionnaire design is easy until they…

B2B International

MOSAIC™ – How To Ensure You Achieve Action From Market Research

Today we share with you a proprietary framework we have developed for ensuring you deliver a high ROI on your…

B2B International

Segmentation Guidelines for Business-To-Business Markets

All business-to-business companies segment their customers. In the main, b2b companies segment customers because it suits them. It makes their…

B2B International

10 Top Tips for Improving Customer Experience

Here are our 10 top tips that for improving your customers’ experience. Get buy-in from the top. Everyone has to…

B2B International