Five Reasons Why Face-To-Face Focus Groups Are Still Relevant Today

Face-to-face focus groups are perhaps one of the most well-known qualitative data collection methods where a skilled moderator facilitates a discussion on a particular topic with between 6 and 8 respondents, over a set period of time, typically 90 mi...

October 2019 / Written by Colette Stevens

Semiotics: A Different Way to Look at Your Brand

Semiotics is the study of signs, symbols and meanings and the cultural context they sit in. It looks at things like a sign’s colour, physical space, sound and behaviours… all the things that shape how we perceive an object; and all the things tha...

October 2019 / Written by Caroline Woods

Megatrends Series: Wearables and Biosensors

Series Introduction: ‘Your Guide to the Future’ Here at B2B International, we’re always thinking of the latest innovations and emerging ‘megatrends’ shaping our clients’ industries and markets. So, for every month in 2019 we decid...

September 2019 / Written by Daniel Mullins

Megatrends Series: Drones

Series Introduction: ‘Your Guide to the Future’ Here at B2B International, we’re always thinking of the latest innovations and emerging ‘megatrends’ shaping our clients’ industries and markets. So, for every month in 2019 we decid...

August 2019 / Written by Daniel Mullins

Making Use of Eye Tracking Technology in Market Research

  What is eye-tracking technology? Eye tracking quite simply involves the recording and analysis of any movement in our eyes, examining where we look and where we gaze our attention. In market research, we can use eye tracking to allow us to see...

August 2019 / Written by Natalia Jain

Megatrends Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Series Introduction: ‘Your Guide to the Future’ Here at B2B International, we’re always thinking of the latest innovations and emerging ‘megatrends’ shaping our clients’ industries and markets. So, for every month in 2019 we decid...

July 2019 / Written by Daniel Mullins

B2B personalisation needs to ‘behave’

Creating effective b2b marketing personalisation strategies based on market needs and behaviours What is marketing personalisation? Simply, personalisation in marketing is using data collected about a target audience to tailor content, products and s...

July 2019 / Written by Joe Boag