Cultural Considerations for the Business-To-Business Relationship

As firms from around the globe seek to internationalise their operations, they are increasingly having to enter business relationships with customers and companies which belong to different culture groups. As such, marketing managers must be wary of ...

January 2019 / Written by Scott Murphy

Customer Experience Research: How To Drive Action

I was on a call with a client the other day and they posed a question that I have heard frequently whilst working at B2B International… “We have gathered lots of data and insights from the research but how do I go about driving action to improve ...

January 2019 / Written by Marc Brokenbrow

‘B2B Customer Experience” Nominated in Business Book Awards

We’re excited to announce that B2B Customer Experience, written by Nick and Paul Hague, has been nominated for the Business Book of the Year award! The Business Book Awards recognise authors who have shared their industry or market knowledge, exper...

January 2019 / Written by B2B International

Megatrends Series: The Internet of Things

Series Introduction: ‘Your Guide to the Future’ Here at B2B International, we’re always thinking of the latest innovations and emerging ‘megatrends’ shaping our clients’ industries and markets. So, for every month in 2019 we decid...

December 2018 / Written by Daniel Mullins

Our Most Popular Content of 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, we’ve compiled a list of our 5 most popular blogs and articles from the past 12 months. Whether you missed them the first time around, or just want to look back over your favourites, we hope you enjoy our list below co...

December 2018 / Written by B2B International

B2B International Awarded Two IQCS Awards

We are delighted to announce that B2B International took home two awards at last week’s IQCS Awards. Our award-winning fieldwork centre were recognised in both the ‘Interviewer Excellence -Telephone’ category and ‘Best Interviewer Training an...

November 2018 / Written by B2B International

Video: The Importance of Researching Non-Customers

Researching non-customers is notoriously difficult for b2b businesses to carry out internally. A lack of working relationship and understanding of how to reach these audiences lead to very low levels of interest and engagement in the research. This i...

November 2018 / Written by B2B International

Lessons from Social Research

For a market researcher, there are lessons that can be adopted from social science and the methods of enquiry that are used in its related disciplines. For meaningful knowledge of the relationships between businesses and their customers, whether b2b ...

November 2018 / Written by Lorna Finlay

Research & Results 2018: Workshop Slides

This year’s Research & Results, the leading international market research trade show, has come to an end. We’ve had a great time and would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the numerous stand visitors for all the interesti...

October 2018 / Written by B2B International