Latest Survey Findings: Preparing for Growth in B2B Markets

Growth is vital to companies’ futures, and the responsibility of driving it is falling squarely on the shoulders of marketing and insight departments. Our latest survey aims to help companies shape their own growth strategies by sharing invaluable ...

February 2018 / Written by B2B International

The Key Takeaways from Our CX Leadership Roundtable

Our 2018 CX Leadership Roundtable was held last week in London. Our biggest CX clients from a wide range of industry sectors came together to share their challenges and successes, and to discuss where CX is heading in the future. We started the day b...

February 2018 / Written by B2B International

Has Your Market Found You?

The newspaper this week reported a story relating to a glowing review of an extendable paintbrush holder posted on Amazon. (Appliance of Science Twists Amazon Reviews, The Times 1.2.18) This amusing story serves as a reminder to think outside the box...

February 2018 / Written by Carol-Ann Morgan

Using Stimuli Effectively in B2B Market Research

What Are Stimuli? Stimuli are any materials used in a market research study with the aim of inducing a reaction from respondents. They can be: Auditory – such as a read out of a concept or product features. Visual – such as images or video of mar...

January 2018 / Written by Tom Percival

The Importance of Typography in Branding

As well as the use of colour in branding, the choice of font is equally important. It is yet another form of non-verbal messaging you are sending out about your brand. Your typographic palette helps to tie all communications together, from the copy o...

January 2018 / Written by Jayne Sanders

How to Cooperate Effectively

Maybe some of you have been to a concert during the holidays or around the turn of the year. In Germany, for example, it is very popular to play Beethoven‘s Symphony No. 9 on New Year‘s Day. While I was listening to a concert in the Cologne Philh...

January 2018 / Written by Claudia Knod

Looking After Your Respondents

Respondents are crucial to the success of any market research project. Without willing respondents, as market researchers we would not be able to ask the questions we need to be able to reach the answers we seek. However, far too often the time and w...

January 2018 / Written by Caroline Woods