The Importance of Colour in Branding

The other week I presented at an international chemical conference and the topic was ‘differentiation in an undifferentiated market’. The main thrust of the presentation was on using customer experience to differentiate in the marketplace. Howeve...

December 2017 / Written by Nick Hague

Maximising the Value of Path-To-Purchase Research

“Customer journey” is a term that since entering the research mainstream in 2012/13 has become an umbrella for all studies looking at the relationship between a supplier and its market. However, “customer journey” research tends to fall short...

December 2017 / Written by B2B International

How to Shorten a CX Tracker

Around 50% of the work that we do at B2B International directly involves the customer experience. A customer experience project can consist of a wide range of elements. Often, at stage one, our core aim is to understand and measure the customer exper...

December 2017 / Written by Caitlin Affleck-Brodie

A Researcher’s Guide to Presenting Data in Memorable Ways

How many times have you had to sit down and go through a long PowerPoint deck full of facts, figures and charts? Do you remember many of them? If not, chances are the deck was missing a key element. A coherent story. Storytelling has become an essent...

December 2017 / Written by B2B International

How to Carry out a Successful Customer Journey Mapping Project

Delivering a sub-par customer experience is a recipe for disaster. Get it right however, and you’ll enjoy far greater financial returns and long-term loyalty from your customers. One of the most effective tools in a customer experience research pro...

December 2017 / Written by B2B International

‘Tis the Season to be Marketing

4 B2B Marketing Ideas for a Merry Christmas Christmas is only a few weeks away. It might not yet be snowing outside, but the festive season is already in full swing – at least in the advertising industry. With Christmas being the most anticipated e...

December 2017 / Written by Judith Wieghardt

Using Taglines To Stand Out In B2B Markets

An email landed in my inbox last week which started with: “From today Vodafone will be changing our brand positioning for the first time in eight years from ‘Power to you’ to ‘The future Is exciting. Ready?’”. It certainly caught my atten...

November 2017 / Written by Nick Hague

Join Us at Research & Results 2017

Date & location: 25 October – 26 October, Munich Our stand: 249 (next to the Innovation Area) Our workshop: 26 October, Room 7, 09:45-10.30 The world’s leading market research show, Research & Results 2017, is only weeks away! Exper...

October 2017 / Written by B2B International