Ryanair and the Importance of Internal Culture in Customer Experience

If, as Peter Drucker famously once said, a company’s culture really does “eat strategy for breakfast”, then Ryanair’s culture must have a pretty full belly at the moment, having gorged contently on its ‘always getting better’ customer str...

September 2017 / Written by Matthew Powell

What Makes B2B International Special?

Since it was founded in 1998 with just 3 people, B2B International has grown steadily and now has 8 offices across 3 continents. What’s the secret behind this success? Certainly one of the key factors is the strong internal culture, allowing the co...

September 2017 / Written by B2B International

Our Asian Headquarters Has Moved!

We have moved! B2B International’s Asian Headquarters has recently moved to expand the in-house fieldwork capacity. The new office is situated in the centre of Beijing boasting a capacity of over 30 fieldwork researchers. This makes it the larg...

September 2017 / Written by B2B International

Tracking and Benchmarking KPIs to Drive Brand Growth

It is often said that standing still is the same as moving backwards, and without knowing where you are currently, it is hard to move forward. For a business, this means capturing measurable and trackable customer feedback e.g. KPIs such as NPS and s...

September 2017 / Written by B2B International

Mind or Heart – Who Is Deciding?

It’s no secret that our purchasing decisions are not only based on rational reasons, but also emotional ones. Why else would we buy an enormous SUV that makes finding a parking space in the city centre impossible? Or why do some of us purchase a ne...

August 2017 / Written by B2B International

Can Open Innovation Drive Autonomous Vehicle Technology Forwards?

Open innovation is a popular technique for coming up with breakthroughs to solve tough problems. A team of specialists in a single field will approach the problem in much the same way, leading to a finite list of possible solutions. Add in experts fr...

August 2017 / Written by Daniel Mullins

How to Succeed at B2b Events and Ensure a Return on Your Investment

Events are a key part of many b2b marketing strategies. Get them right and it’s possible to walk away with pockets full of business cards and calendars full of meetings with hot prospects. Get them wrong however and you’ll have some serious expla...

August 2017 / Written by Daniel Mullins

5 Top Tips for Creating Impactful Market Research Outputs

One of the most powerful tools available to businesses is market research. It provides valuable insights into both markets and customers, meaning decisions can be taken in greater confidence and competitive advantage can be gained. The challenge for ...

July 2017 / Written by James Ferran

5 Point Checklist for Effective Segments

Your customers are unique and, understandably, they want to be treated as individuals. This does however pose a problem to companies. Giving individual treatment to every customer would be extremely demanding on company resources. The answer to this ...

July 2017 / Written by B2B International