How to Get Information for Next to Nothing

Market intelligence doesn’t always need a survey. If you are looking for a market size figure, market trends, competitive strengths and weaknesses, or new product opportunities, it is quite possible that the answers are available easily, quickly an...

May 2017 / Written by B2B International

What Makes a Good Interviewer?

Chat shows are immensely popular. People in the US have got used to staying up late to watch David Letterman and now Stephen Colbert. In the UK they watch Graham Norton when the kids have gone to bed. What is it about chat shows that makes them fasci...

May 2017 / Written by B2B International

Masterclass in Specialist Market Research Skills

We pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of market research. We have pioneered many techniques and we have authored a number of books on the subject. We run training courses during which we share this knowledge. We have 2 places available on a...

May 2017 / Written by B2B International

The Fastest Horses in the Race

Two weeks ago the Financial Times ran an analysis of 1000 companies in Europe that have achieved the highest percentage growth in sales between 2012 and 2015. The minimum average growth rate required to be included in the ranking was 16%. They descri...

May 2017 / Written by B2B International

Does Sustainability Pay Off?

If a study by the US researchers Barnett and Solomon is to be believed, it certainly does. Interestingly, however, the relationship between sustainability and financial performance turns out to be U-shaped. Roughly speaking this translates to this: i...

May 2017 / Written by Christian Malarciuc

Caution: Beware Joining the Dots

Have you noticed how difficult it can be to predict things? For a couple of months your sales are pathetic and you become despondent, believing there is a downward trend. And then, mysteriously they bounce back and you suddenly think that the future ...

May 2017 / Written by B2B International

Truth and Story-Telling

Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman toast to their partnership in the 1970s. by Vanity Fair (CC BY 2.0) A book recommendation by Claudia Knod It is in these days of alternative facts and fake news that we become more and more sensitive for the truth. Wh...

April 2017 / Written by Claudia Knod

You Look Angry. Are You?

In most of the surveys we carry out we include questions that measure satisfaction. This is not surprising. Knowing how satisfied customers are with their suppliers and on different factors enables companies to make improvements. Until now we have ha...

April 2017 / Written by B2B International

Commitment to Values

We make no apology for having a sequel to our previous blog which featured United Airline’s PR disaster about leggings. The ink was hardly dry on the newspapers before we heard about Dr. Dao being dragged down the aisle as he was forcibly eject...

April 2017 / Written by B2B International

Keep the First Aid Kit Handy

A couple of news items caught our attention this week. The first was the social media furore which kicked off on Monday when two teenage girls, dressed in leggings, were prevented from boarding a United Airlines flight. They were stopped at the gate ...

April 2017 / Written by B2B International