10 Top Tips for Improving Customer Experience

Here are our 10 top tips that for improving your customers’ experience. Get buy-in from the top. Everyone has to be bought into the drive to deliver outstanding customer experience. It is especially important that the leadership team of a company i...

November 2016 / Written by B2B International

8 Best Practice Tips on Benchmarking in B2B Markets

How do you rate against the competition and best in class? Today we share with you 8 tips on best practices in benchmarking in business-to-business markets: Track the trends: Of course the score from customers indicating their satisfaction with you r...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

How to Speak Dog – Use Lissa

Those of you who have a dog will know what we mean. Dogs speak, but not as we do. They wag their tails when they are happy, they bare their teeth and snarl when they are angry, they prick up their ears when something interesting is happening. You can...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

The Most Under-Used Question in B2B Market Research

We b2b market researchers are guilty of asking lots of questions. Too many. We like the tangible and the specific. We want to understand what a respondent buys, how often, in what quantities. What do they think of this supplier and that? What satisfa...

September 2016 / Written by B2B International

The Irresistible Dangers of Micro Targeting

If you are selling diapers (nappies we call them in the UK) you should target parents with babies. If you’re selling razors, target people who shave. This is common sense. Or is it? An article in the Financial Times last week caught our eye bec...

September 2016 / Written by B2B International

Forecasting – an Art or Science?

During a briefing by academics at the London School of economics, the Queen of England asked a very nasty question about the credit crunch – “why did nobody notice it?”. One or two people since have put their hands up and said that they had pre...

September 2016 / Written by B2B International

Who The Hell Makes This Car?

If you opened the Financial Times this weekend, on page 3, the slot reserved for beautiful women in the Sun and the Mirror, you would have seen the above advert. For those of us in marketing this sepia image is just as arresting as bare bosoms. Here ...

August 2016 / Written by B2B International

Me, Biased, You Are Joking!

Three years ago, an interesting experiment was carried out by Guy Mayraz, an economist at the University of Melbourne. He divided students into two groups. He told one group to imagine they are bakers and the other group to imagine they are farmers. ...

August 2016 / Written by B2B International

The Salesman Is Dead! Long Live the Salesman!

Selling has never been regarded as a profession – at least it’s never been thought of as a profession in the same way as architects, doctors or engineers are seen as professions. It is associated with the Avon lady, the Fuller Brush Company o...

August 2016 / Written by B2B International