Is There Such a Thing as a Three Question Survey?

It isn’t unusual for a client to contact us and say that they want a quick and dirty survey with just three questions – or at least a small number of questions. We know what they mean. Typically the questions will be: “How likely would ...

April 2017 / Written by B2B International

Je Ne Regrette Rien

Imagine you are being interviewed by a market researcher and you are asked “Do you have any regrets?”. What would be your answer? Of course, it depends what the interview is about and we will come back to that. For now we want to talk gen...

April 2017 / Written by B2B International

Small Steps to a Big Experience

The Chief Economist of the Bank of England, Andy Haldane, made the assertion last week that Britain’s productivity problems are caused by mediocre management. He wasn’t alone. Ann Francke, the chief executive of the Chartered Management I...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

Fake News – a Problem for Researchers

We market researchers are in the business of discovering facts. We assess markets, determine people’s attitudes, and figure out what proportion think this and that. We have no axe to grind. Our aim is to uncover the truth. The thing is, the truth i...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

The Latest Trends and Innovations in Qualitative Research

Gone are the days when the term ‘qualitative research’ would conjure up images of groups of people sat around a table being watched by teams of researchers and clients from behind a mirror. Constant innovation in the field of qualitative research...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

The Value of the B2B Brand

At the start of this month we welcomed a number of b2b brand leaders to an event in Central London to discuss the topic of ‘the value of the b2b brand’. This was a joint event with brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance, who we have worked in ...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

My Week With B2B International

Last week we were joined in the office by a local school student on a work experience placement. He shared his thoughts on his week at B2B International below. I applied for a week of work experience with B2B International because I wanted to experie...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

How to Get Your Subscription Offering Right

In recent years, the popularity of subscription services has increased massively. Consumer markets have seen entrants such as wine-of-the-month services and business-to-business markets have seen SaaS (software as a service) companies such as Salesfo...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

“Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better” – Says the Robot

In his book, The Undoing Project; A Friendship That Changed The World, Michael Lewis describes work carried out by the Oregon Research Institute into an algorithm. The algorithm was designed to test whether someone had cancer. It proved to be better ...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

It’s Bananas

Earlier this week it was announced that three neuroscientists, working in the UK, won a prize of €1 million for the work they have carried out on the brain. It was the subject of study that interested us. Over the last 30 years, Peter Dayan, Ray Do...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International