Infographics – the good, the bad and the ugly

Everybody’s at it aren’t they? Infographics that is. And quite rightly so. We market researchers need to synthesise data. Our clients constantly berate us for the 150 page deck of findings. They want simple, clear presentations in as shor...

March 2016 / Written by Paul Hague

How Brands Grow

We all think that there is not much more to say on how and why brands grow. It is all about getting a good product or service, deciding who it should be aimed at, fixing a price that makes a decent profit and is attractive to the market, targeting th...

February 2016 / Written by Paul Hague

Market Research Trends to Look out for in 2016

A significant number of changes have happened to the market research industry over the last few years. These include increased automation and digitisation of surveys, commoditisation of traditional research methods, and further consolidation of resea...

December 2015 / Written by Nick Hague

The Resurgence of Podcasts in Content Marketing

Effective storytelling is crucial if you want your marketing to be successful. A big problem for many brands is how to tell stories that engage and resonate with their audience. As marketers are all too aware, it’s getting more and more difficult t...

December 2015 / Written by Daniel Mullins

10 Key Tips on Building a Winning Customer Experience Programme

The customer should be at the heart of your marketing. To keep your finger on the pulse of ever-changing customer needs, the voice of the customer must be listened to and taken into consideration by everyone from top to bottom. Is your company lookin...

November 2015 / Written by Nick Hague

How to Differentiate Your Brand

In B2B markets many products are undifferentiated and not surprisingly potential customers see them as all the same. Business-to-business companies struggle to communicate recognizable benefits that set them apart from competitors. This means that ma...

September 2015 / Written by Paul Hague

The Brand Iceberg: The Importance of Brand Influencers

For many people the word brand is associated with physical representations of the logo, the name, colour schemes and other visible factors which provide a signature that says “this is who I am”. In consumer markets, for example, there is instant ...

August 2015 / Written by Paul Hague

The Brand Mirror: How Do You Really Look to the Outside World?

Positioning your brand is a crucial yet difficult task. To get a true idea of how your brand is perceived by the market, you need to take the time to assess it. Assessing a brand requires us to look at all of the brand’s attributes. These attribute...

August 2015 / Written by Paul Hague

Taking an ‘Agile’ Approach to Product Development

An article in the Financial Times last week caught our eye as it discusses a new approach to product development that promises greater results. Large, established companies are facing increasing competition from small, young companies with innovative...

August 2015 / Written by Daniel Mullins

The 10 Key Steps to Building a World-Class Brand

Your brand is your biggest asset. It carries your reputation and is why people do business with you. It is therefore crucial that your brand is as strong as it can be. The big question for many marketers is how can a brand be improved? To help answer...

August 2015 / Written by B2B International