The KANO Framework: How to Get Some Excitement in Your Products

Today, just as a little game, we are going to imagine that we are manufacturers of water pumps. That’s a good old boring b2b product if ever there was one. Let’s imagine you had a magic wand and you could ask it to improve your water pump...

March 2017 / Written by B2B International

La La Land Is the Winner. Oops, Sorry!

146028_3882 by Disney | ABC Television Group – Flickr (CC BY 2.0) We awoke this morning to news about the screw up at the Oscars when they announced the winner as La La Land instead of Moonlight. Apparently someone had given Faye Dunaway and Wa...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

The Findings From Our Latest B2B Marketing Survey Are Out!

The findings from our latest b2b marketing survey are out! The study of b2b marketing and market research professionals from large businesses across Europe and North America explores attitudes towards marketing budgets and reveals the top marketing s...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Can Speed Dating Help Market Researchers?

Fast and slow – yes, that’s how our minds work. We make quick and intuitive decisions which ultimately get rationalised and modified over time. However, those first impressions are really important. They bias everything else. It is the basis ...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Upcoming Event: Value of the B2B Brand

2nd March, London Every organisation knows that its brand holds a certain amount of value – from the brand associations that differentiate the organisation from the competition, to the brand strength that helps keep the brand top of mind, to the mo...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Love Is in the Air

Well folks, it is here. It’s Valentine’s Day and we must think about love. Or should we? For goodness sake, what part does love play in business to business marketing? Some people think it does. In 2003, Jimmy Lee, a Vice Chairman of JP Morga...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Emotions – the Key to Successful Customer Relationships

One of the most recent wake-up calls for business to business marketers has been the recognition of the importance of emotions in decision-making. Why has it taken us so long to understand this obvious point? It is probably because of the naive assum...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Six Honest Serving Men

Today we have a philosophical question for you. Of the following questions, which do you think are the most important in market research surveys – what, who, where, when, why and how (we call them the 5Ws + 1H)? Here at B2B International we are for...

February 2017 / Written by B2B International

Advice From People Who Have Been There

We have a client that is relatively small compared to many of the corporate companies that commission our surveys. This client makes static eliminators. These are gizmos that are fitted to photocopiers or printing machines to stop paper sticking toge...

January 2017 / Written by B2B International

Masterclasses in Market Research and B2B Marketing

We don’t just carry out market research, we also teach it. Many of our clients have asked us to give them the inside track on how we design, collect and analyse data. To meet this demand, we have developed three masterclasses which are coming u...

January 2017 / Written by B2B International