The Race for Cost Leadership in the Electric Car Market

An article in the Financial Times this week caught our eye. The article discusses the difficulties manufacturers are facing to produce an electric car for the mass market. Despite these difficulties, the race for leadership in the electric car market...

January 2015 / Written by Daniel Mullins

Seize The Moment: Optimising The Path To Purchase

Our brains make decisions before we become aware of them. When presented with a range of products, a choice is made seven seconds before consciousness kicks in. So what does this mean for marketers? Consumer packaged goods giant, Procter & Gambl...

June 2014 / Written by B2B International

8 Ways to Generate New Product Ideas

  New products breathe life into a product portfolio. “New” is one of the most powerful words in the marketing vocabulary and every company needs to see a significant proportion of its product lineup graced with this adjective. This is somet...

May 2014 / Written by B2B International

The 3 Levels of Customer Segmentation (And Why They Matter)

  It is often said that segmentation is at the heart of marketing, and we couldn’t agree more. Identifying the different needs of your customers is vital if you want to develop effective marketing strategies and gain competitive advantage. How...

April 2014 / Written by B2B International

The 2 Measures of Market Size You Should Be Aware Of

  An understanding of market size is vital if a company wants to grow within its current market and expand into new markets. Without this understanding, it makes it difficult to know where your brand stands relative to competitors in your market...

April 2014 / Written by B2B International

The 7 Steps of Questionnaire Design

Questionnaire design is one of the hardest and yet one of the most important parts of the market research process. Given the same objectives, two researchers would probably never design the same questionnaire. The following seven steps will help you ...

May 2006 / Written by B2B International