3 Key Takeaways From Our CX Event

Last week, we welcomed 30 CX leaders from across the globe to a special one-off customer experience event at London’s stunning and iconic building; The Shard. The event was held especially for our clients and included guest speakers Chris Daffy...

November 2016 / Written by B2B International

10 Top Tips for Improving Customer Experience

Here are our 10 top tips that for improving your customers’ experience. Get buy-in from the top. Everyone has to be bought into the drive to deliver outstanding customer experience. It is especially important that the leadership team of a company i...

November 2016 / Written by B2B International

How a Flying Volkswagen Campervan Inspired Our Office Refurb

As a creative, a good working environment is very important. Having a space which is visually stimulating allows the creative juices to keep flowing. As we are currently having our main Bramhall office refurbished we thought this was a great opportun...

October 2016 / Written by James Ferran

8 Best Practice Tips on Benchmarking in B2B Markets

How do you rate against the competition and best in class? Today we share with you 8 tips on best practices in benchmarking in business-to-business markets: Track the trends: Of course the score from customers indicating their satisfaction with you r...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

How to Speak Dog – Use Lissa

Those of you who have a dog will know what we mean. Dogs speak, but not as we do. They wag their tails when they are happy, they bare their teeth and snarl when they are angry, they prick up their ears when something interesting is happening. You can...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

Customer Experience Summit 2016

Come and join us at the Customer Experience Summit 2016 at Lords Cricket Ground in London on 19th October. Matthew Powell, Research Director at B2B International, will be talking at the event about “Delivering customer excellence in b2b markets”....

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

No One Will Talk to Me!

Persuasion is critical in market research. If we can’t persuade people to spend 20 minutes talking to us, we have no survey. In this over researched world, we have to be ever more persuasive in getting people to spend their valuable time answer...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

Traditional B2B Survey Methods Are Dead – or Are They?

The other day one of our long-standing clients challenged us. The question was this. Market research is no longer a novelty. Respondents are weary of nuisance calls and they won’t answer the phone to market researchers. No one takes part in online ...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

Getting Ethnography Right: Key Dos and Don’ts

Ethnography is a way to explore the needs of an audience that is often overlooked yet could provide valuable insights. The technique can be used in the exploratory phase at the beginning of a project or to dig deeper at the end. At the beginning it h...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International

Apples And Brand Health

The Daily Mail ran an article last week saying that an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. It went on to say that this small addition to your diet could slash the risk of early death by 35%. Researchers at the University of Western Australi...

October 2016 / Written by B2B International