[Video] Our Approach to Multicultural B2B Research

Multicultural b2b research is important as businesses of different sizes, industry sectors and geographies act and think differently. With multicultural research, however, comes cultural bias. It is these cultural biases that make multicultural resea...

June 2016 / Written by B2B International

A B2b Marketer’s Guide to Cognitive Bias

A common assumption by marketers is that humans are rational. The study of behavioural economics aims to dispel this myth. Even in the case of business decision-making, we are subject to cognitive biases. The question for b2b marketers, therefore, is...

June 2016 / Written by B2B International

How Asking Questions Can Drive Future Behaviour

We know that market research is used to determine and measure customer behaviour, but studies have shown it can also drive customer behaviour. This is known as the question-behaviour effect – the very act of asking a question can influence and driv...

June 2016 / Written by B2B International

Check out Our Personality Tool to Reveal Your Archetype

Founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, identified 12 archetypes representing different drivers that motivate us in our daily lives. These fall into 4 categories that each focus on a different purpose: discipline; engagement; risk & reward; ...

May 2016 / Written by B2B International

Creating Impressive Customer Experiences in B2B Markets

Nick Hague recently sat down with Customer Experience Magazine following B2B International’s win at the UK Customer Experience Awards 2015 and gave his thoughts on how to create award winning b2b customer experiences and some key trends to look out...

May 2016 / Written by B2B International

How Can B2B Firms Deliver a Differentiated Customer Experience?

There is plenty of evidence linking positive customer experience with business growth. A positive experience leads to customers spending more and recommending the brand to others. In fact, research shows that over 50% of customers who recommend a bra...

April 2016 / Written by B2B International

Infographic: Achieving B2B Customer Experience Excellence

Our recent survey of marketing professionals in large b2b companies found that only 14% of firms are truly customer centric where the customer experience is embedded into their company culture. We looked at over 500 b2b brands to determine what makes...

April 2016 / Written by B2B International

4 Key Themes Driving Change in the Market Research Industry

The recent IIeX (Insight & Innovation Exchange) event in Amsterdam was a great opportunity to catch up with what people across the market research industry are talking about. Amongst the huge number of exciting talks delivered over the two days ...

March 2016 / Written by B2B International