Infographics – the good, the bad and the ugly

Everybody’s at it aren’t they? Infographics that is. And quite rightly so. We market researchers need to synthesise data. Our clients constantly berate us for the 150 page deck of findings. They want simple, clear presentations in as shor...

March 2016 / Written by Paul Hague

How Brands Grow

We all think that there is not much more to say on how and why brands grow. It is all about getting a good product or service, deciding who it should be aimed at, fixing a price that makes a decent profit and is attractive to the market, targeting th...

February 2016 / Written by Paul Hague

B2B Marketing Survey: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

What’s keeping b2b marketers awake at night? What are the major trends influencing marketing strategies? Our latest survey reveals the biggest challenges and opportunities facing b2b marketers in an attempt to understand how they are planning to su...

February 2016 / Written by B2B International

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2016

2016 is nearly upon us, and we hope all our blog readers are excited for the year ahead. To mark the end of 2015, we thought we’d take a look back at some of our most popular blog posts over the previous 12 months. If you missed any of them when th...

January 2016 / Written by B2B International

Market Research Trends to Look out for in 2016

A significant number of changes have happened to the market research industry over the last few years. These include increased automation and digitisation of surveys, commoditisation of traditional research methods, and further consolidation of resea...

December 2015 / Written by Nick Hague

The Resurgence of Podcasts in Content Marketing

Effective storytelling is crucial if you want your marketing to be successful. A big problem for many brands is how to tell stories that engage and resonate with their audience. As marketers are all too aware, it’s getting more and more difficult t...

December 2015 / Written by Daniel Mullins

The Fastest Growing Companies in Germany Have Been Revealed

German business magazine „Focus“ and the statistics portal „Statista“ have published a Top 500 list of German Growth Champions (companies with the highest growth rate in the period 2011 – 2014). The ranking includes private as well as publi...

November 2015 / Written by Claudia Knod

10 Traps To Avoid When Carrying Out Customer Experience Research

Customer experience programmes, when executed effectively, are highly valuable. Learning more about your customers means you can better serve your market and stay ahead of the competition. There are, however, many risks involved with building a custo...

November 2015 / Written by B2B International