The Race for Cost Leadership in the Electric Car Market

An article in the Financial Times this week caught our eye. The article discusses the difficulties manufacturers are facing to produce an electric car for the mass market. Despite these difficulties, the race for leadership in the electric car market...

January 2015 / Written by Daniel Mullins

Choosing the Right Marketing Strategy for Your Business

For those of you with our 2015 Calendar, you will know that January is all about ‘focus’. This means identifying what you do best as a business and focusing your marketing strategy on that biggest strength. Throughout January we will be posting a...

January 2015 / Written by B2B International

Making the Promotional Pound Go Further

Two articles in the Financial Times recently caught our eye. The first one referred to the boss of Publicis who said he was frightened of being “ubered” by the digital tsunami. What did he mean? Maurice Lévy, the head of Publicis Groupe, said th...

January 2015 / Written by B2B International

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2015

2015 is nearly upon on us, and we hope everyone is excited for the year ahead. If you’re yet to finalise your marketing plans for 2015, we recently published an easy-to-follow, five-step process to developing an effective marketing strategy. We hop...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

Top Business Challenges for 2015

2015 is fast approaching, and many organisations around the world have already turned their attention to the business challenges they are likely to face next year. Having carried out a survey of over 200 of the world’s largest businesses based in t...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

Is Your 2015 Marketing Strategy in Place Yet?

As 2014 comes to an end, it’s time to look ahead and start planning for 2015. Among the biggest tasks for marketers at this time of year is finalising next year’s marketing strategy. Successful marketing is all in the planning, and a well-develop...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

B2B International Performs Strongly in the MRS League Table

The MRS (Market Research Society) has just released its annual league table of the largest organisations within the UK research and insight industry – the second largest market research industry in the world. With overall levels of growth in turnov...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

Airline Customer Experience: A Smile Costs Nothing

There is something about international air travel that focuses the mind on service. Perhaps it is the many hundreds of dollars we must pay for a ticket; maybe it is because there is a fair amount of tension around the event. At its most basic, the se...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

Executing Fabulous Customer Service

On the one hand we want and need fabulous customer service. On the other hand, it can so easily go wrong. I sent my car for servicing the other day and I have to say that the dealership provided impeccable customer service. They confirmed the time an...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International

Emotional Engagement: New Idea or Just Common Sense?

It’s all the rage, everyone is talking about it; emotional engagement with B2B customers. Emotional engagement is nothing new, it has been a hot topic in the consumer world for some time. The big brands can be seen striving to engender feelings of ...

December 2014 / Written by B2B International