The Relationship Between Market Share and Customer Satisfaction

A recent research paper, ‘Reexamining the Market Share-Customer Satisfaction Relationship’, examined the longitudinal relationship between market share and customer satisfaction of US businesses. Contradictory to popular thought, it found that no...

January 2014 / Written by B2B International

11 steps to choosing your perfect brand name

A recent article in The Marketer highlighted the steps that can be taken when trying to choose a brand name. What emerged was an 11-step process to be conducted in a group brainstorming session or workshop, using idea generation and elimination to ar...

September 2013 / Written by B2B International

Love Of Loyalty

Helping to create a strong company brand is something B2B International helps our clients strive for on a daily basis. By understanding a customers journey and satisfaction levels at each stage helps improve a Net Promoter Score (NPS). The higher an ...

October 2012 / Written by B2B International

Global Market Research Prices 2012

ESOMAR has recently published its latest Global Prices Study, which shows the USA holding on to the No. 1 position, again making it the most expensive country in which to do research. The ten countries which now in 2012 have been found to be the most...

October 2012 / Written by B2B International

Putting the Customer at the Heart of the Business

In a special Business Surgery, Carol-Ann Morgan discusses why Greg Smiths letter published in the New York Times (“Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs” – NY Times – 14.3.12 ) should serve as a warning shot across the boughs for any company...

March 2012 / Written by B2B International

The Dos and Don’ts of B2B Marketing

Always on the lookout for interesting articles about b2b marketing, we recently came across, which contains some interesting blog posts. And a great piece to start off the year is, of course, one that considers how B2B marketing will devel...

January 2011 / Written by B2B International

Recognising the Price Typology

At a time when consumers and businesses alike are watching the purse strings, Carol-Ann Morgan reiterates the importance of understanding what buyers of your products and services really value. The newspapers tell us today that the recession is subsi...

August 2009 / Written by B2B International

Understanding Cultural Differences Across B2B Markets

Nick Hague this week takes us on a world tour, explaining why you should never be surprised to get such varied responses to your global customer satisfaction questions. We tend to have a human instinct that ‘deep inside’ all people are th...

June 2009 / Written by B2B International

Click Happy

David Ward this week uses his data processing expertise to show us how we can spot and weed out ‘rogue respondents’ to get the most reliable and valuable data from our online surveys. The internet is a very useful tool in market research. We can ...

May 2009 / Written by B2B International

Increasing Sales In Challenging Times, part 3 of 3

In the final installment of this article, Julia Cupman concludes her list of points to consider when assessing new market opportunities, and reiterates that the economic downturn still presents myriad opportunities to many companies: What is the mark...

April 2009 / Written by B2B International