Increasing Sales In Challenging Times, part 2 of 3

Following on from yesterday’s blog post, the second part of Julia Cupman’s 3-part feature on increasing sales in challenging times continues by looking at some of the questions a market entry or market assessment study should help to answer: Ther...

April 2009 / Written by B2B International

Increasing Sales In Challenging Times, part 1 of 3

The American Marketing Association’s flagship publication, Marketing News, recently ran an article entitled ‘Look Farther Afield, which described how research should answer certain questions for marketers hoping to expand into new markets.  This...

March 2009 / Written by B2B International

Need Research? Think Independently

“It is not the strongest species that survive….but the ones most responsive to changeâ€? Charles Darwin Gone are the days where organizations employed ‘Market Research Managers’ to commission, manage and utilize market research ...

September 2007 / Written by B2B International

Logo Research – Approach With Caution

By Paul Hague, Director, B2B International Ltd The Role Of The Logo Logos are the marks by which companies are recognized. Their origins were the hot seared marks burned on to the rumps of cattle when they roamed freely on the plains of the US. Each ...

September 2007 / Written by B2B International

Questionnaire Design – The Good, The Bad, And The Neither/Nor

A catalogue of the most common errors and how to construct a questionnaire that avoids them. This article was first published as part of B2B International’s online article series. HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU STRUGGLED… …to respond to a quest...

August 2006 / Written by B2B International

Free Market Research eBook – Now Available For Full Download!

Throughout April, May, and June this year, we serialised our first free ebook “A practical guide to market research”. The book (written by B2B International Director Paul Hague) was a massive success, as many of you know. Before today the...

July 2006 / Written by B2B International

The 7 Steps of Questionnaire Design

Questionnaire design is one of the hardest and yet one of the most important parts of the market research process. Given the same objectives, two researchers would probably never design the same questionnaire. The following seven steps will help you ...

May 2006 / Written by B2B International

Using customer value propositions in business to business markets

“Customer value proposition” or “CVP”? has become one of the most widely used terms in business to business marketing in recent years. However, a recent article in this month’s Harvard Business Review shows that companie...

March 2006 / Written by B2B International