Market Research Company in Manchester

Speak to our research experts in Manchester

Our market research services in Manchester

Our research is used to help clients improve and optimise their performance – whether in terms of retaining existing business or exploring new opportunities. B2B International Manchester’s research expertise can assist your organisation with business challenges such as:

Why we're one of the leading market research companies in Manchester

Clients worldwide
Trusted partner to the world's largest brands
We've worked with 900+ different companies including half of the world's largest 100.
B2B specialists with unique experience
Our experience is second to none having carried out 4,000+ b2b research studies across every industry vertical.
Wide global reach
We've researched 145+ countries, interview around 200,000 professionals every year and cover 46 languages in-house.
Empowering brands to grow
We drive action and empower brands to grow through impactful reporting, workshops, simulators, dashboards, infographics and more.

Clients served by our Manchester office

From our Manchester headquarters we serve clients across the North West, North East, the Midlands and Wales. Our research team are always available to travel across the whole of the UK, as well as overseas to serve our international clients.

market research agency in Manchester


Industries we’ve worked for in our Manchester office

Our Manchester office team spans over 30 researchers with extensive experience across nearly every b2b industry vertical. Some examples of the industries we’ve worked in are below:

Our Manchester market research clients

Our Manchester headquarters have worked with some of the biggest b2b brands in the world. Below is a small selection of these clients:

View our market research case studies

Our B2B International Manchester team have worked on thousands of b2b research studies, covering every single research type, business challenge and industry vertical. To give you an idea of the work we’ve done and the results we’ve achieved for our clients, we’ve published a range of case studies covering branding and communication research, customer research, markets and opportunities research, product research and pricing strategy research.

Click here to view our case study collection or on the link below.

market research manchester case studies

market research manchester case studies

market research manchester case studies


Our research methods

Because the work we carry out is in highly specialist industries, we like to maintain close control over the methods we use. Accordingly, we keep all of our principal research functions in-house. This includes our telephone research, online methods, data processing and other fieldwork operations. Below are just some of our capabilities:

The B2B International Manchester team

Our Manchester team consists of over 30 expert researchers, a dedicated fieldwork unit with over 60 interviewers, and an experienced data processing department.

Key members from each team include:

Our Manchester office

B2B International Manchester are based in Central Manchester.

If you are nearby, please feel free to drop by and say hello to the team!


B2B International

Bonded Warehouse, 18 Lower Byrom Street, Manchester, M3 4AP, United Kingdom

Call Us: +44 (0)161 440 6000

E-mail Us:

Speak with a member of our Manchester team to discuss your research requirements
+187 220 44533