Paper, Print and Packaging Market Research

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Faced with existential threats, the packaging market and paper industry has continued to grow and in doing so, has shown itself to be one of the most adaptable and forward-thinking sectors in the business world. The industry will continue to be impacted by megatrends such as consumer demands for convenience and sustainability, and disruption caused by the rise of e-commerce and technology integration.

Below we outline examples of the types of studies we have completed for materials producers, paper solutions companies, packaging converters, and packing and filling machinery manufacturers.

Explore our packaging market research experience in: Paper Solutions | Paper-Based Packaging | Non-Paper Flexible & Rigid Packaging | Packaging Machinery


Paper Solutions Market Research Experience

Paper, Print & Packaging Market Research Experience - Paper Solutions

Examples of studies completed:

  • Product concept testing: Obtaining insights on a new concept for paper hygiene products used in washrooms, including a specific focus on perceived benefits relating to environmental sustainability, safety and inclusivity.

  • Thought leadership study: Researching key trends in the industry, especially those connected with the food sector, to generate thought leadership used by our Client as a means to establish a position of expertise in its market.

  • Customer needs assessment: Exploring the hierarchy of needs of commercial paper buyers, the extent to which their requirements are being met by their existing suppliers, and their propensity to switch or to retain incumbent relationships.

Examples of audiences engaged:

  • Facilities managers and other janitorial roles responsible for choosing paper hygiene products in washrooms, covering education, commercial real estate, retail, foodservice and healthcare.

  • Office managers and Heads of Purchasing for office-based businesses using paper and/or printed signage solutions.

  • Packaging converters and other buyers of paper-based raw materials for use in containerboard and other packaging products.

Clients we’ve helped:


Paper-Based Packaging Market Research Experience

Paper, Print & Packaging Market Research Experience - Paper-Based Packaging

Examples of studies completed:

  • Product development: Testing the appeal and likely uptake of a new packaging product in the dairy category, and reactions to the proposed benefits in terms of overall appeal, perceived uniqueness and the extent to which producers would pay a premium.

  • Decision journey mapping: Understanding customer needs in detail – and how these differ by customer role, seniority and function – and mapping these needs against key moments in the customer journey.

  • Brand performance benchmarking: Assessing the health of our Client’s brand from top-of-funnel (awareness, familiarity, consideration) to bottom-of-funnel (usage, advocacy) and brand perceptions relative to the competition.

Examples of audiences engaged:

  • A range of roles at mid-sized and major food producers, covering all elements of the packaging supplier relationship (including executive management, procurement, operations/production, finance, marketing, sales and sustainability).

  • Decision-makers on paperboard and corrugated packaging products for CPG brands and leading retailers.

Clients we’ve helped:

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Non-Paper Flexible & Rigid Packaging Market Research Experience

Paper, Print & Packaging Market Research Experience - Non-Paper Flexible & Rigid Packaging

Examples of studies completed:

  • Innovation proposition research: Evaluating the appeal of a new innovation partnership service among customers and prospective customers, including making recommendations on the core proposition elements and optimal pricing model.

  • Customer experience study: Measuring satisfaction with our Client among the customer base (from new clients to longstanding key accounts) at various touchpoints throughout the customer journey.

  • Go-to-market strategy development: Informing the development of the value proposition for a new business serving the packaging industry, as well as gathering insights to drive channel strategy, brand naming and audience segmentation.

Examples of audiences engaged:

  • Heads of Innovation and sustainability leaders at large producers in the dairy, bakery, confectionery, home and personal care, grocery and ready meals segments.

  • Product design, procurement and R&D directors at packaging converters, who make the decisions on plastic resins used by the company.

  • Individuals responsible for choosing the supplier of rigid packaging solutions, including trays, bottles, tubs and pots.

Clients we’ve helped:


Packaging Machinery Market Research Experience

Paper, Print & Packaging Market Research Experience - Packaging Machinery

Examples of studies completed:

  • Customer satisfaction tracker: Establishing a benchmark of our Client’s performance among customers from onboarding to solution and service delivery, and tracking the performance over time to measure the impact of CX improvement initiatives.

  • Segmentation program: Overhauling the segmentation used by one of the world’s leading packaging machinery companies, to move it away from groupings based on revenue only, towards a model based on customer needs.

  • Market sizing: Calculating the size of the packaging and material conveying market according to the total available opportunity (TAM), the currently-served opportunity (SAM) and the obtainable market for our Client (SOM).

Examples of audiences engaged:

  • Decision-makers for packaging, packing and filling machines at production plants covering pharmaceutical, food & beverage, industrial manufacturing, mining and aggregates, and other sectors.

  • Individuals responsible for maintaining and servicing packaging equipment on the production line.

Clients we’ve helped:

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