As the world’s second largest continent, Africa accounts for over 20% of the human population. Due to the development of Africa’s physical infrastructure, as well as continued growth over the last few years, it is no surprise that Africa is fast becoming an attractive place for investment.
Our expertise in the Middle East and Africa
The Middle East and Africa, sometimes referred to as MEA, covers an extensive and diverse region of the world. However, due to the variety of different countries, it may be inexact to term them together. It is important to understand the diversity of the different economies – from the poor of Yemen and Zimbabwe to the rich nations of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

Our approach
B2B International has carried out a large number of varied projects throughout the MEA region, including: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey and UAE.
The research we do can be either country focused or, as is often the case, part of a global research project.
Using a mixture of methodologies, including telephone interviews, e-surveys and depth interviews, our studies have been carried out in our respondents’ native tongue. We have researched a wide range of industries, including adhesives, soda ash, pumps used in the mineral and mining industry, pumps used in oil extraction, anti-malware software, education, steel manufacturing and LPG used in chicken farming, to name just a few.