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...simply, we have carried out more business to business market research studies than any other company in the world –…

Product Strategy: Act Your Age

...requirements Establish market share Establish distribution Strengthen market share Build dealer and customer loyalty Use product as cash cow Consider…

Why should I commission market research?

...nothing wrong with intuition and common sense. They are a natural part of decision making in business – we all…

Creating Desirable Brands

...lives better. For smaller businesses, look at your brand’s purpose and compare it to that of your competitors: do you…

Common Sense: The Rise of Sensory Marketing

...been implemented in the food industry, where tasting samples is common practice. Companies have been challenged by hygiene and other…

Dealing with the Big Dogs: The Importance of Segmentation

...b2b companies have eschewed their smaller ones. This highlights the importance of understanding the profitability of different sizes of companies.…

Market Research In China – Recruiting And Retaining The Best Employees

...with operations in the Greater China region. Despite having a population of 1.3bn, hiring and motivating Chinese research executives and…

Education Market Research

The education sector is constantly changing to meet the needs of policy makers, learners, industry and society. This has resulted…

Market Research Company in Munich

COVID-19: Resilience & Business Continuity – Almost 3 in 5 Businesses Admit They Could Have Done “Much More” To Prepare

This week’s review of insights from the B2B International COVID-19 tracker focuses on business resilience – To what extent have…