Driving Commercially Powerful Brand Experiences in Financial Services

Having analyzed more than 1,800 financial services brand experiences across the world, we found that brands are not reaching the inflated expectations of financial services buyers, and there is a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences at the right time.

Our latest infographic uncovers what matters most to today’s financial services buyers and the significant commercial benefits of successfully delivering against these needs to help B2B financial services brands create commercially powerful brand experiences.

View infographic >


View the other infographics in the industry series:

Driving Commercially Powerful Brand Experiences in Technology
Driving Commercially Powerful Brand Experiences in Professional Services
Driving Commercially Powerful Brand Experiences in Manufacturing



About the report

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations.

According to our latest B2B Superpowers survey, brands are not reaching the inflated expectations of B2B buyers, and there is a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences at the right time.

Our Merkle B2B 2023 Superpowers Index looks at what drives competitive advantage in the B2B world in 2023, what has changed in the last 12 months, and outlines what matters most to B2B buyers today. It is the indispensable guide for B2B marketers to deliver world-class experiences and keep pace with the dynamic environment.

We surveyed more than 3,600 buyers and users of B2B offerings so we could bring you the inside scoop on the B2B brand experiences. The survey was inclusive of buyers across key sectors including tech, financial services, manufacturing, and professional services, as well as key markets across the world including North America, EMEA and APAC.

Further Reading
Learn how B2B brand experiences need to evolve in 2023