Competitive Intelligence

Giving brands the edge in a global marketplace

Our competitive intelligence research provides you with a full and robust picture of your competitive landscape and the key players within it. It will allow you to benchmark your performance against that of your competitors, capitalize on opportunities in the market and defend against threats.

Competitive intelligence research equips brands with a strategic advantage in the global marketplace. By enabling them to swiftly and efficiently surmount industry obstacles, it empowers businesses to realize their full potential and achieve their goals and visions.


Our approach to competitive intelligence research

The brand map

Competitive Intelligence

  • Brand correspondence maps – or brand maps – entail analysis of the relationship between brands and their association with various product and service attributes.

  • From brand maps we can outline defining positions of brands, learn which brands are undifferentiated in their position, outline unclaimed attributes in the market and uncover similarly performing brands.

  • Brand mapping enables us to graphically show the different values attached to a range of competing brands.


Case study: Assessing the potential threat levels posed by alternative solutions in the steam management market

Our client, a manufacturer of pumps, steam management systems and associated fluid path technologies, needed to evaluate the prospects and demand for steam management systems in certain core process industries as part of their future business planning, with a special focus on potential competitive threats.

The client’s strong position in the market could be under threat if there is a considerable move to the use of alternative solutions to the conventional steam and condensate loop. Although steam had several key advantages and had been used for many years, there were several alternative solutions that could be used within the client’s target markets and present a potential threat.

Aside from the competitive threats, the client required market insight in the short-term to better equip sales teams with arguments to further promote the benefits of steam technologies, and to be armed with counter-arguments when competitive process approaches are being considered. To this end, the client required a detailed and independent view on how its core markets were evolving in their use of steam solutions. The overall aim of the research was to develop a better understanding of the changes in the need for steam and the progression of alternatives to steam including predicted future trends within our key target industries.


Activation services: Helping you get the most out of your competitive intelligence research investment

Horizon Scanning
Daily scanning of over 15k future-orientated professional news and expert sources with our AI-driven horizon scanning tool.
Market Prediction Tools / Simulators
Build powerful "what if" simulators that allow your business to understand potential outcomes and make smarter decisions.
social media monitoring
Social Media Monitoring
Actively listening to your target audience across multiple channels to identify what they want, how they behave and what they think of you.
Workshop / Action Planning
Workshops / Action Planning
Internal action workshops with every stakeholder to understand the research findings, prioritise next steps and drive action.

Competitor profiling / assessment

Identifying strengths and weaknesses

We assess competitors’ strengths and weaknesses by speaking to their customers and, distributors, and by paying great attention to how they promote themselves on their websites, in their annual reports and shareholder presentations, in PR and in their social media feeds.

competitive intelligence research: competitor profiling


competitive intelligence research: market perception

Market perception

Are competitors delivering against their promise?

Perception is everything and we measure what customers and potential customers think of the various suppliers and brands that are available to them, such as brand associations and perceived strengths and weaknesses.


Competitive landscape positioning and benchmarking

Where do you sit in the market?

No company exists in a vacuum. It is important to understand how different brands are positioned so you can ensure there is sufficient distinctive clear blue water between you and the competition. We use a range of statistical techniques such as brand mapping to assess which brands own different positions, and derived importance to assess what drives satisfaction and loyalty to competing brands.

competitive intelligence research: positioning analysis and benchmarking


competitive intelligence research: industry analysis

Industry analysis

Identifying opportunities and threats

Brands can have quite different “positions” in different industry verticals. It is important in any competitor analysis that we establish in which segments companies are relatively strong or relatively weak, as well as how brands are growing and the nature of the opportunities and threats.


Competitor news feed monitoring

Keeping your finger on the pulse

Opportunities and threats are apparent in every market. It is important to be able to monitor and adapt to market trends and competitor actions to take advantage or guard against these forces. We track and aggregate a range of different news, social media and marketing sources to provide real-time intelligence to empower your business.

competitive intelligence research - competitor news feed analysis

Get in touch to find out how you can benefit from Competitive Intelligence Research
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