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B2B Blog entry

How to Write a Great Research Brief

...supply contacts to the agency to reach out to? If so, a rough idea of the number of contacts available to include in the project and the existing level of......

B2B Blog entry

How to Reach Senior Professionals in B2B Market Research

...initial quality control checkpoint, ensuring that the right person is recruited into studies. Targeted recruitment can provide audiences with different opportunities to participate—completing immediately in real-time, being invited to comple...

B2B Blog entry

C-D Mapping: A Different Approach to Brand Mapping

...visual depiction of where a brand sits in the competitive landscape – informing companies on how their brand is perceived in general within the market compared to competitors, depicting which......

Sales Vs Marketing: What Is The Difference?

In life, strengths can also be weaknesses. This is certainly the case in business-to-business companies where there is often tension between the sales and marketing teams. In b2b companies, the......