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Cookies Notice
...in our handling of personal information and processing personal information at all times in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. This Cookie Notice explains how we use cookies......
How To Avoid Selection Bias In Market Research
...how to avoid selection bias in your research. Selection Bias in Politics: Truman vs Dewey Selection bias is very common in research. It is so common that it has been......
Supply Chain Challenges Fueling Low Customer Satisfaction
...the B2C companies is impacted, it will only hit other organizations further down the chain. These supply chain issues are relevant to all companies, in every industry sector across the......
How Design Thinking Can Help Drive B2B Innovation
...need to remain innovative is higher than ever. Yet, what many should remember is that innovation doesn’t necessarily mean creating “the next best thing”. Innovation is a continual process of......
The Future of Work
...of people who can afford the services are. The issue with this is that housing costs and rent in these areas is rising and this is making it increasingly difficult......
Business-to-Business Market Research in Russia
...offering good quality macroeconomic and industry-specific information. Most of this information is available in Russian language only, albeit English data is increasingly available. Because of the language issue, good quality......
Business Models and Strategies for Competitive Advantage
...products in Europe and the USA in situations where a specialized sales force is needed. It has also acquired companies in Europe for their infrastructure. The importance of partnering to......
Creating Desirable Brands
...story is brought to life in what the brand does as much as what it says: Nivea is a brand with increasing desirability. Its purpose is to help people feel......