Market Research Methods

Postal Surveys In Industrial Marketing Research

Postal surveys have a very bad image, so much so that by far the majority of industrial marketers dismiss them as being inappropriate as a research technique. However, postal surveys have an important role to play in industrial marketing research as ...

Global Intelligence

A Guide to Calculating Market Size in China

One of the main objectives for many companies when carrying out research in China is to establish the size of the market. Market size information can be used to gauge the overall size of the opportunity, to prioritize segments of the market for speci ...

Market Research Methods

Online Focus Groups As A Business-to-Business Research Technique

Reliable market research data mostly depends on the market researcher choosing a data collection methodology through which the target audience is comfortable communicating. This paper outlines the principles of online focus groups, before examining t ...

Written by Matthew Harrison
Global Intelligence

Entering China

China is now often seen as the most lucrative opportunity in the developing world. The country is no longer just viewed as a low-cost manufacturing base, but also increasingly as a lucrative market with a receptive audience of customers. ...