Brand Identity Research and Testing

Improve your brand’s positioning, core proposition and personality

Divestments, new ventures, and re-aligned strategies often result in new or refreshed brand identities. Brand identity research and testing helps to reduce business risk by testing your options prior to launch.

The average B2B company perceives its USP strength to be mediocre, with an overall rating of just 6.2 out of 10. Our brand identity research and testing will help you to create a compelling proposition and validate it with your target audience.


Our approach to brand identity research: Brand positioning bullseye

In increasingly commoditized and homogenous B2B markets, a differentiated brand position is one of the ways of achieving a competitive advantage.

brand identity research - brand positioning bullseye

  • At the core of our brand identity research lies the brand positioning bullseye
  • It is used to develop a differentiated brand positioning by identifying and improving the aspects that define a brand; the core proposition, the substantiators (specific aspects that justify the brand position and core proposition), the brand personality, the feelings customers have about a brand and the way they talk about it
  • The tool is equally useful in developing a new brand, as it is within the realignment and optimization of an already existing brand

Case study: Brand Identity Research to Help Realign Extensive Brand Portfolio

A major trade specialist in plumbing and bathroom supplies approached us to gain insight on their planned brand portfolio realignment. Explicitly, our client wanted to enhance their merchant brand range.

Their three merchant branches (some focusing on plumbing, some on drainage and some on pipe products) were operating under three different brand names with next to no association to the core brand. Our client therefore commissioned a brand identity research study.

Find out how we managed to bring our clients’ brand portfolio in order.

brand identity research case study


Activation services: Helping you get the most out of your brand identity research investment

Multivariate Techniques
Multivariate research techniques such as conjoint analysis are used to measure preferences and determine the importance of product or service attributes.
Online surveys
Online Surveys
Advanced online surveys to high-quality, targeted respondents which offer cost savings, time savings and improved data accuracy.
Focus Groups
Using group interaction to identify and explore behavior, attitudes and processes, and throw light on why, what and how questions on a given topic.
Business Plans
Plans grounded in solid data that inform strategic decision-making and provide a blueprint for future growth.
Get in touch to find out how you can benefit from brand identity research and testing
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+187 220 44533